
About Us


We, at Victory Polychem, are committed to solve our customer’s challenges through innovation and quality solutions. Our solutions enable them to increase their business efficiency whilst saving global fuel and energy and conserving the environment.



We, at Victory Polychem, create value for our customers by:
1. Solving problem
2. Saving cost
3. Providing outstanding after sale service
4. Building tailor-made solutions/products for customer’s unique problem


We are the technological leaders of our industry, known for inventing new technologies. We constantly learn, upgrade ourselves, our systems, knowledge, and our attitude to maintain a competitive edge.


We understand that ‘Change is Constant’ and we are open and flexible to embrace the changes happening in our environment. Adapting to that, we quickly reinforce it on our goals.


All our thoughts and actions are committed towards the good of our organization. We are committed to our organization’s growth and prosperity before our self interests.


We help individuals thrive and grow on the basis of their merit. We also constantly create growth opportunities for our employees based on their core-competencies.




Mr. Ameeth Kkaulgud

Mr. Ameeth Kkaulgud

Technical Director

The Technical Director of Victory Polychem, Mr. Ameeth Kkaulgud has done MS in Material Science from the University of Massachusetts, USA. He has attained STLE (Society of Tribologies and Lubrications Engineering) Certification from the USA. He was also a technical consultant to Gillette, USA, Johnson and Johnson, USA, and Samsung, South Korea. He has won many awards for his innovations and has many patents registered to his credit. As a Technical Director and CMD of Victory Polychem, Ameeth’s areas of focus are Strategy, Business Development, and Innovation.

Mrs. Kranti Kkaulgud

Mrs. Kranti Kkaulgud

Executive Director

The Executive Director of Victory Polychem, Mrs. Kranti Kkaulgud has done MS in Computer Information Systems from the University of New Hampshire, USA, and holds an MBA degree from the University of Massachusetts, Lowell. She has also attained the Six Sigma Green Belt. As an Executive Director of Victory Polychem, her areas of focus are Operational Support and Strategic Planning, Finance Management, and IT Support and Planning.


We would like to take this opportunity to thank our vendor Polychem (Now known as Victory Polychem) for developing an innovative product ‘Syncool G’ as a mass finishing solution. This product has helped us in improving our product quality enormously. By using this product, we have seen a drop in Millipore Values which is beneficial for us as our customer’s requirement is in Bearing Industry. By using this product for vibratory cleaning machines, our deburring and polishing has improved significantly, and has imparted better shine to our parts. Furthermore, this product is found to be bio-degradable and is very economical.

We are pleased to introduce another line of business from the supplier Polychem (Now known as Victory Polychem)– a Pune based company. Polychem’s (Now known as Victory Polychem) product Muscle MT 10 antifriction additives are being used in all types of oil like Castrol, Servo, Elf etc. This product is used in all types of industries and vehicles. This is an American technology product used in more than 100 countries all over the world. In India, this product is manufactured by Polychem (Now known as Victory Polychem), Pune as ISO 9001:2015 Company.

We are thankful to Polychem (Now known as Victory Polychem) for 100% adherence to on-time delivery of the products. Thank you so much for your co-operation!

We have been using Polychem’s (Now known as Victory Polychem) metalworking fluid magazines like Musclecool 777, Muscle Clean HD 12, and drop wash. We are very happy about the product quality and services offered by Polychem (Now known as Victory Polychem) team.

We have been using Polychem’s (Now known as Victory Polychem) Polyclean MT 218 since the past 2 years. We are extremely satisfied with the product performance. Earlier, we were using the products at a high temperature of 45 to 55 degree Celsius, but now we have completely replaced temperature and started cleaning all machines at ambient temperature with Polychem (Now known as Victory Polychem) products. We have saved approx. 20% on electrical costs for all washing machines. We are using this product for cylinder blocks, head spray washing and dunking processes. The cleaning is very good and the bath life of the product gets doubled. Polyclean MT 218 is centrally approved by HO at Mumbai and the same process is now horizontally deployed to Mahindra locations all over India.

We have been using many of Polychem’s (Now known as Victory Polychem) products for the last 15 years. We started using metal working fluid – Musclecool 744 product which is based on ‘Inverse Solubility’ patented technology. This product is bio-based and is made with vegetable oils, esters, and is free from the hazardous chemicals which suit our standards. Being a bio-based product, it is very safe for humans and is easily biodegradable at ETP. In the year 2019, we almost saved 25% (revenue approx. 18 Lakhs) on the coolant/MWFs purchase only.

We are using Polychem’s (Now known as Victory Polychem) Musclecool 771 product which is bio-based and uses patented ‘Inverse Solubility’ technology. Due to vegetable oils and esters, it offers very good lubricity, as a result of which we have enhanced the tool life by 10%. In addition to that, despite a heavy contamination in the machines, the product is performing exceedingly well with no bad odor or other issues.