- VICTOCLEAN VC 40 is used as Vibro Cleaner.
- Aqueous base; it provides good cleaning for all types of machined components
- Does not contain any objectionable toxic solvents like Kerosene, Alcohol etc.
- Specifically developed for use in deburring process.
- Outstanding corrosion inhibition properties.
- Gives shine to processed components.
- VICTOCLEAN VC 40 is used as Vibro Cleaner.
- Also be used in other applications where it effectively removes soluble oils, neat cutting or light forming oils, thin film corrosion preventives, lubrication oils and general dirt.
- Gives low Millipore values after cleaning.
- Does not allow the dirt to relodge on the componenets afytre cleaning
- VICTOCLEAN VC 40 Enhances cleaning action in vibratory systems.
- High cleanliness levels to ensure the required quality, functionality and maximized lifespan of finished parts.
- It has tendency to give shininess to components after cleaning.
- Works on various materials like metals, plastics, and ferrous.
- Ensures reliable, high-quality cleaning outcomes.